Why Light & Salty?

Welcome to Light & Salty! I’m sure you are asking- “How do these things go together except for in popcorn!?!” Do you ever feel alone, like no one gets what life is like as a mom of littles? Or do you feel like everyone is judging you? Do you feel like there is a darkness that sometimes settles on you in the 24/7 business of motherhood? I feel this way some days more than others. I know what it’s like and I SEE YOU sister, putting the kids to bed early and eating ice cream on the couch! Pass me a spoon!

Symptoms of Mothering

Motherhood is tough and sometimes very dark. I have been there! From the time I was pregnant with my second child until about eight years later I battled depression daily. I started medication, used light therapy, and exercised regularly. Some days were ok, … but oh, so many were dark. It was difficult to do the everyday tasks let alone find joy.  What started for me in my late 20’s as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), turned into chronic depression after my babies came.

My first two children were born in my early thirties and then came the “Encore baby” just before my 40th birthday. It took two years and gallbladder surgery to recover from carrying my 10 pound 9 ounce bowling ball of love. At the same time, the hormones in my body were waving farewell… taking my body into menopause.

I am not a doctor, but what I found researching menopause says it is common for women to experience an onset of depression with the hormonal changes but the opposite has been true for me! My depression is lifting as my hormones slow… I feel light again! There is light in my head and my heart again. I am not magically cured, I still need to take medication and some days the darkness creeps closer, but it’s not nearly the struggle of walking in concrete boots that life was for so long.

I’m sure you think I got lost in my story and won’t ever get back to the “Light & Salty” don’t worry  I didn’t forget. Hopefully my story illustrates how light has been important to me personally. Besides living in the light we are all called to BE THE LIGHT!

Don’t Forget the Salt

What about salty? Why salt?  Well, light and salt come together in Matthew chapter 5 when Christ is giving his Sermon on the Mount. After his promises of blessings in the first few verses he changes gears and tones. He directs us in verses 13 & 14 by saying

13 “You are the salt of the earth”…14 “You are the light of the world”…

Matthew 5:13,14

Besides shining his light we are called to BE SALT- salt? Yes! Think about cooking. Have you ever forgotten to add salt to cookies or soup? Blech! They taste flat, uninteresting, and flavorless. Salt is added to bring out and, brighten up the other flavors.  Christ wants us to be the flavor! To share the taste of God’s goodness with those around us.

In my opinion, a flavorful life in Christ, is one that allows us to be fully known in all our uniqueness. It is also a desire to know others for who they really are in all the good, the bad, the stuff we suck at and where we can rock it.

No Judgment Please- Just Grace

I mentioned feeling judged earlier. Does motherhood feel judgy to you? When you don’t do things in a particular way are you wrong? I am absolutely at fault for that, I am judgmental in nature and have been one of the worst “judgy moms” at times. I have had to apologize to friends who’s feelings I hurt.

Why do we act this way? If we truly believe that we are uniquely created by God why do we spend so much energy worrying about being the same or fitting in? Our encore baby that nearly broke me has also taught me so much. We as mothers are not all the same, we are not even the same mother to each of our children. We were never meant to be the same. What makes us different makes us salty! Your uniqueness’s gives you flavor!

Stick around with me!  I’ll share what makes me flavorful and the light that God has given me. YOU tell me about you! Let’s walk together, let me encourage you, we can sit and have a cup of tea and talk.  We can share conversation and ideas on parenting, marriage, and life. There is so much to learn from each others experiences; together we can be a village that brings light and adds amazing flavor to motherhood.